online learning lab

Beautiful Economies

A six week embodied inquiry into the roots of our economic stories.
For those seeking new perspectives on how we can live in harmony with each other and the Earth.


Why Beautiful Economies?

When we think of economies we rarely think of beauty. In our current system the emphasis is on consumption, production and the growth of GDP.In this Learning Lab, we take a different view. Here, economics is the many different ways we organise our energy and resources (both material and non material) to meet our fundamental needs in harmony with our surroundings. This opens up the possibility of building systems that do not harm ourselves, others and the Earth upon which we depend, and even actively restore and heal us.We call these Beautiful Economies.


What stories underpin our current system?

We are storytelling beings. We make sense of the world through narratives which shape our choices and grow our cultures. Today perhaps the biggest story driving our decisions is the story of economics. It tells us what is of value, where to invest our time and energy, where to place our attention. But is this story aligned with our deeper values and a healthy ecology? And if not, why is it still so compelling?We are here to unpick that with you.


What part can we play in a Barefoot Economy?

In the 90s in Latin America a group of researchers created a framework for assessing the health of an economy through the lens of nine fundamental human needs. They called it Barefoot Economics or Human Scale Development and it turns conventional economic theory on its head. Can you really call yourself rich if you work so hard you have no time with your loved ones? Is money really the measure of wealth?Let's find out together.


How can we have eyes for the beautiful?

Economics is often called 'the dismal science', yet it dominates every aspect of our lives. It paints a picture of human culture as self-serving and transactional. Yet the truth is that each of us only made it this far through the selflessness of those who cared for us as children, the institutions and infrastructure our societies have collectively invested in and everyday kindnesses which often go unnoticed. In this Learning Lab we will foreground the myriad ways in which we show up for each other and the more than human world, and the beauty we are all capable of creating.

Our Approach

We have created this online learning lab with the purpose of reinforcing the importance of real life inter-personal connection. Group size is limited to eight participants to allow more time to get to know each other and draw on the unique knowledge and gifts each of us will bring.Blending the best of online facilitation with the neuroscience of connection and somatic practice, we create deeply embodied experiences and build in human connection at every opportunity.Expect thought-provoking off-screen activities, personal and group reflection and small achievable weekly tasks that engage with the world beyond your zoom window. This is a space to share and learn with a small group of humans willing to leave their job titles in the waiting room.

Which dates work best for you?

The Beautiful Economies Learning Lab runs for six consecutive weeks for 2 hours a week. Between sessions there are some gentle prompts to help integrate the learning. These are not to be considered homework and should take no more than half an hour.Please indicate your preferred dates (choose as many as you like) and once we have a minimum of 6 participants we will contact you to complete the booking process.Please note that there will be NO RECORDINGS of the Lab. This is an interactive embodied process which requires your presence as part of the group. Please check that you can make all dates proposed before signing up.

Your Title

Learning Lab Fee

  • Reduced: (for students and those on low income) £120

  • Regular: (to cover cost of design and delivery) £180

  • Solidarity: (for those in a position to offer more support) £240

All fees go towards supporting the work of Crazy Beautiful World CIC.
If you cannot afford the reduced ticket, but still want to join, please get in touch and we can work something out. If you are in a position of privilege please buy a solidarity ticket or contact us to find out how you can support this work further.

Your facilitator

Inez Aponte is an educator, storyteller and consultant in the Human Scale Development approach, also known as Barefoot Economics. Barefoot Economics uses a fundamental needs framework to assess the health of economies, and helps us change the narrative around economic success to include the many ways we meet our needs that fall outside the scope of westernised notions of value.Drawing on her background in performance storytelling and improvisation, she focuses on the interplay between language, narrative and behaviour change and works with groups to help them cultivate a ‘radical collective imagination’, as the basis for addressing our shared complex challenges.Clients and collaborators include Schumacher College, the Centre for Alternative Technology, Bath University and The Montfort Social Institute in Hyderabad, India. She is a fellow of the Schumacher Institute.In 2021 she founded a social enterprise called Crazy Beautiful World with her then 16 year old son. Their mission is to connect young people with the adults who care about their future to explore compassionate and wise ways to navigate the challenges of the 21st Century.

a message from inez

How this Learning Lab was created

I have always been extremely hesitant to put my work online, as what I believe we need more than anything right now is to live deeply embodied, place based, community focused lives. However, over the years a large number of people around the world have requested that I share my work. Given that I allow myself very limited air travel, this put me in a bit of a dilemma.Fortunately, in March 2024, I had the privilege of working with six students from Schumacher College to explore how I might create an online offering that could reach more people, while also staying true to my commitment to embodied, creative and heartfelt facilitation.Luckily the amazing and talented Victoria van de Vyvere, Ren Vollbracht, Abhishek Sheth, Rhosanna Rigden, Sylvie Saunders and Ali Dowling succeeded in helping me come up with the right format. I am deeply indebted to them for their willingness to engage with this challenge and I hope you will enjoy and benefit from our collective efforts.And if you would like to secure the future of this pioneering institution, please consider donating to their crowdfunding campaign below.With gratitude and in solidarity,